
Showing posts with the label Same Day Passport

A Comprehensive Guide to Getting a New Passport After a Name Change

A passport is a legal document that acts as identity proof and allows an individual to travel abroad. It contains personal information such as your name, date of birth, and place of birth, among others. When you change your name, it's essential to update your passport, so it reflects your new identity. In this blog, we will discuss the steps you need to take to get a new passport after a name change. Understanding the Different Types of Name Changes Before we get into the details of getting a new passport after a name change, it's essential to understand the different types of name changes. Some of the common name changes include: Marriage or Divorce One of the most common reasons people change their name is because of marriage or divorce. When you get married, you can choose to take your spouse's last name, or you can keep your name. If you choose to take your spouse's last name, you will need to get a new passport in your new name. Similarly, if you get divorced and ...

How To Get A Same Day Passport In San Antonio, Texas

Many cities, like San Antonio, Texas, offer same-day Expedited Passport service in San Antonio facilities. However, you won't be able to get same-day processing if your application is made at the post office. Open passport acceptance agents at local levels may limit current service offerings. Savvy travelers will recommend the regional passport office. Here's how you can get a passport if you are located in San Antonio. Travelers who need to renew their passports may also be able to take advantage of other services. Where Can I Find A Same-Day Passport Office Near San Antonio, Texas? The San Antonio Regional Passport Agency Office is located at the Earle Cabell Federal Building. Enter the following address in your GPS to get there: 410 Pierce St. Suite 310 Houston, TX 77002 The Regional Passport Agency is available Monday - Friday: 8 am - 4:30 pm. You can't just turn up. It's important to schedule an appointment. Who Is Eligible To Use The Same-Day Passport Offices In ...